Returning to Real World

I have been so on-the-go that I haven’t had time to slow down and write about this trip to the extent I needed to. I knew if I rushed it, I wouldn’t be able find the words to adequately describe what this journey has meant to me. So here we are: almost a month later since I left and writing this post that is long overdue.

I have always been a planner. I have always mapped out the way to get the things I want or the best way to go about my time. I often fill my iPhone notes with lists or to-dos and check them off as I go. But when it came to this trip, I had to abandon this need to have everything figured out ahead of time. Embracing the whole “live in the moment” thing went to a whole new level to the point that each day when I woke up, I didn’t even know where I was going to fall asleep that night. Lily and I took advantage of every single moment and every opportunity that presented itself in front of us, and that made all the difference.

I think we, the people of this day and age, get so caught up in making sure that all things in life stay on schedule and sound. We want to be so in control of our lives that we plot out nearly every detail of our being. For me personally, there was this false sense of security in having everything in my future planned beforehand so I was ready for it–so much so, that I neglected to acknowledge the world that was happening around me now. And don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of merit in knowing what is ahead and preparing ahead of time. However, nothing ever works out the way we have in our heads, so why are we so set on trying to have it all figured out? The only way we can learn how to adapt is if don’t set these expectations of how it should be or what we are supposed to be doing. When you slow down and allow yourself to stop for a minute, you can see all the beautiful, incredible things that past-you has set up so that present-you could enjoy.

I am so incredibly grateful for this trip. I am so grateful for the safe travels that I was so lucky to have. I am so grateful for Lily and all my amazing family/friends that sent nothing but love my way as I explored the West. I am so grateful for all the things I’ve learned on this trip. There is honestly so much I could write about that one post really isn’t nearly enough to embody what I have been through. But if nothing else, I can take away one thing above all else:

You have the power to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

I submitted four different applications to the Odyssey Online to attempt to pursue my passion for published writing, and they denied all of them. So what did I do?  I made my own blog and made it happen.

I wanted to travel and see California on my own terms, so when Lily offered to take me with her, I quit my job and made it happen.

I was worried I wasn’t going to be able to see my favorite artists at Forecastle Music Festival, but despite my empty apartment and crazy schedule, I was able to fly in, drive home, and invite my closest friends to spend the weekend with me and we made it happen.

LIFE HAPPENS WHEN YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN. Stop being so scared to make the first move. Stop saying you “can’t do this” or you “don’t know how to do that.” You will be so, SO surprised to see how well things turn out are when you are proactive about them. And sure, it is not all easy at times. People will try to take you down, make you believe that you aren’t ready, or not be happy to see you succeed, but they aren’t the ones living out the dream you are making for yourself. So much happiness comes from taking life into your own hands, and I just really hope that everyone can find the similar strength to jump into it because I promise it is so worth it in the end. I promise it all makes sense when you are standing at 8900 feet on the mountain you just climbed because you told yourself you would. I promise it makes sense when you are on stage dancing at a festival covered in glitter and sweat. I promise it makes sense when you are on the flight home and smiling out the airplane window because you know that your life is forever changed now that you’ve finally made the first move towards a happy life, full of unknown adventures.

I am now back in Kentucky, and the stresses of reality are beginning to swarm my daily life again. However, I am not afraid of the real world anymore. Tackling each little task, day by day and problem by problem diminishes their booming terror over your mind. Stopping to slow down and see what is in front of me rather than what is to come allows me to not build up as much worry as they used to. This semester is most likely going to kick my ass as trying to balance sorority, school (probably another major change), work, and social life are going to flood my weekly agenda and become overwhelming at times. However, I feel ready to take on whatever is coming my way; I am excited to adapt, learn, and let the latter half of this incredible year teach me so more than what has already come.

xx -r.b.

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